State-of-the-art-process mining in Python

Designed to be used in both academia and industry, pm4py is the leading open source process mining platform written in Python, implementing: .
A sneak peak of pm4py's simple application:
import pm4py
if __name__ == "__main__":
    log = pm4py.read_xes('<path-to-xes-log-file.xes>')
    process_model = pm4py.discover_bpmn_inductive(log)

Process Mining Made Easy

Discovering a process model using less than 10 lines of code!
pm4py is available through Python pip and is easily integrated with several other applications.
Fully Documented
What's the use of a library without proper documentation? Read all about it on the Documentation page!
Happy to Help
We are happy to help you in case you have any questions, just drop us a message!


pm4py faster with NVIDIA RAPIDS integration

pm4py has integrated with NVIDIA RAPIDS to speed up process mining tasks using GPUs. This means users can now do their analyses quicker on systems that have NVIDIA CUDA and RAPIDS. This update improves speed for analyzing both traditional and object-centric event logs. No extra setup is needed to start using this faster implementation.

New White Paper on PM4Py Published in Software Impacts (Elsevier)

We're excited to announce the publication of a new paper titled PM4Py: A process mining library for Python in Software Impacts (Elsevier). Authored by Alessandro Berti, Sebastiaan van Zelst, and Daniel Schuster. This paper provides a detailed overview of PM4Py's features and advancements.

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pm4py Tutorial Series Available on Youtube!

We are regularly releasing various pm4py tutorials on Youtube!

pm4py featured on

Read this interesting article introducing process mining in python using pm4py!

Get Started

What are you still waiting for? Install pm4py now and start playing around!